Ourimbah Latest News and Stories

PET NEWS2019-11-13T10:25:17+11:00

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Kennel cough in dogs

Firstly let us clear up a myth - Kennel Cough does not only occur in dogs that reside in or have visited kennels! We get asked on a daily basis if dogs need to be vaccinated against kennel cough. If

Felix the cat

Felix the cat was one of our adoption kittens....Earlier this year Felix was not weight bearing properly on his left front leg.On examination it appeared that he had managed to tear the muscle that normally attaches to the top of

Snake bites

Armed with curiosity and natural hunting instincts, it is not uncommon for our pets to cross paths with a snake.  In the warmer months, snakes become much more active. Because of this, we must be careful to protect our

Australian Stringhalt in Horses

Stringhalt is characterised by a change in hind leg gait where there is exaggerated flexion of the hind legs when moving. Either a single or both legs are affected. Occasionally the front legs or other parts of the body may

Cat Flu

Your purring little bundle of fluffiness can certainly get runny eyes, a snuffly nose and sneezing just like people - often referred to as Cat flu. Cat flu is often caused by one of two viruses, Feline Herpes Virus (FHV1) or

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